Monday, January 12, 2004

Fossil and Sunto Smart Watches Come onto the Market

Fossil and Sunto Smart Watches Come onto the Market according to a New York Times article by David Pogue at State of the Art: Microsoft's Latest, Strapped to a Wrist where it is stated:

"Starting next week, two watchmakers, Fossil and Suunto, will offer what Microsoft calls Smart Watches with MSN Direct, which Bill Gates has been describing in trade-show speeches for two years now. The twist is that these watches can download and display tiny bits of text information from the Web: stock prices, news clips, weather data. "

Pogue concludes that this is a watch for "gadget freaks" - but there are a LOT of those around. We shall see how the watch does. I predict it will be a big hit. Watches have always been a mark of one-upmanship Rolex-ing as it were, and this is just the next step forward.

Monday, January 05, 2004

The Vigilant Watch

Via WORDLAB | The Free Business Naming and Branding Community we are directed to Vigilant Watch, a watch of a different kind, which monitors radiation exposure.

There definitely are professions who could use this watch.
Let us hope that the rest of us never need it.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

New Pink Watches

Some great new pink watches for the ladies can be viewed at Yale Diva :: The New Pink.